🎅🏽 AOR will be closed from 19th December and reopen 2nd January 2024 . Last day of posting will be 18th December 2024.
At AOR, we are committed to providing natural health products through unmatched innovation and unrivalled quality, and we always put our discerning and valued customers first. We are completely dedicated to researching both nature and science, to ensure our customers benefit from everything the world and the latest research can offer. We believe our orthomolecular approach and personalised nutritional based products provide our customers with a unique service, by delivering the exact amount of ingredients to the right place at exactly the right time.
Dr. Nibber was surprised and frustrated at the struggle PWA were experiencing when trying to access beneficial nutritional supplements, which was leading to unnecessary suffering. He began to realise that the nutritional supplement industry had failed to provide available key nutrients, which were already backed up by thorough scientific investigations. Instead, the industry was choosing to willingly promote alternative supplements, based on loose scientific evidence.
Therefore, Dr. Nibber investigated the supplements currently in circulation and found the industry was unwilling to understand new scientific evidence or to allow their current lines to be compared to the latest evidence. Instead, companies had already decided to stick with their current lines, even though a superior, better-documented and newly-developed supplement was readily available.
This thorough industry research also taught him that the majority of companies were refusing to develop genuine orthomolecular interventions – they preferred to passively respond to the advertising of raw material supplements both new and old, from their current suppliers. Dr. Nibber also found out the industry was being hindered by red tape and government regulators, with many companies skimping on levels of quality to keep prices competitive, even if it meant lowering of clinical efficacy.
As Dr. Nibber’s research began to take shape, he started to source and compound the formulations which were required by his PWA groups. The empathetic nature of Dr. Nibber quickly gained him a brilliant reputation and the demand for his formulations soared. This led to standardised formulas being produced on a larger scale to keep up with the rising demand, through key contracted manufacturers.
Gradually, Dr. Nibber immersed himself in the research literature surrounding nutritional requirements in health, and he found additional natural health ingredient suppliers and made new contacts within the global pharmaceutical industry. This enabled him to develop his own formulations. The range of new natural health products was popular with a wide audience of individuals which were conscious about their health, life extension radicals and also health practitioners, who were searching for the next generation of natural solutions to chronic health-related illnesses within their patients.
In just over ten years, AOR has quickly established itself as a prominent provider of genuine innovative nutraceuticals within North America and across the globe. Our continued focus on innovation throughout the years has enabled us to provide consumers and health care practitioners with science-backed natural health products.